June 30, 2005

Little Blogger - A Smaller Version of Big Blogger

To keep everything up to speed, I'd just like everyone to know I've been working with the template, fiddling with the html, and generally being a busy little bunny updating the Big Blogger site so that it all makes sense, looks the same in IE and Firefox, and isn't three or four days behind the actual posts.

If you haven't had a look at it please do. There's a lot of effort going in to it from pretty much everyone involved - the wheat has been seperated from the chaff it seems - and it's trundling along very nicely indeed at present. As creative writing goes, it's really good to see lots of talented and imaginative people getting into the spirit of it. In case you were worried, it's not like Big Brother. Big Brother is all about shouting, drinking, swearing and taking the piss out of people who seemingly have a complete lack of shame or dignity. Big Blogger is about writing and having fun. There might be the occasional naughty word, but that's it. No bitching, slagging, whoring, or rudeness, and the only nakedness is virtual nakedness, so it doesn't count.

Granted, for anyone who has visited the site in the last few weeks, it has probably seemed like a mad kind of free-for-all, so with Mike's help (he obviously has way too much time on his hands), and with a bit of careful organisation, you can now see quick rundowns of the last three weeks, details of all the tasks and the blogmates responses to them, as well as a day to day archive of all the goings-on in the 'house', via the sidebar.

So go and have a look. There's really no excuse not to.

I'd like to say thankyou to Vit for fulfilling her obligations and producing this quite stunning portrait of moi/Little Blogger. Aren't I gorgeous? Only problem is that it's not completely accurate - in real life I have a ginger afro and man-boobies - but you can't have everything can you? Vit is the latest recipient of a Swampy award, due to the wonderfully ramshackle nature of her site, and all the wonderful pictures she posts to it. We at Big Blogger mansions are fortunate enough to have her as a blogmate, so the site has been constantly adorned with her colourful, witty creations. I may have to add another section to the sidebar specifically dedicated to them. Whatever, they are yet another reason to go there. So what are you waiting for??

And lastly, so that I have a permanent record of it, I need to document the fact that we are famous. Ish.

Big Blogger has had write-ups in The Times, The Guardian, The Observer, LinkMachineGo (June 8th, 2005), and now in Web User Magazine! (Click on the image to enlarge)

I never imagined I'd be seeing the Big Blogger logo in print, but it's happened, and I am flabbergasted. Next stop local TV!


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